S.V. Ivanova personal open lecture:«The word and the image of a medieval manuscript. «Biblia pauperum»: To the source of the genesis»
On Wednesday, March 23 at 14.00 in White Hall of Russian Institute for Art History, S.V.Ivanova, Ph.D., [Department of Fine Arts and Architecture, RIAH] will present her peronal open lecture: «The word and the image of a medieval manuscript. “Biblia pauperum”: To the source of the genesis».
The lecture is devoted to the Christian miniatures history of IX-XIV centuries, the basic trends in the illustration of manuscripts in the Western, as well as the Eastern Christian tradition. One of the objectives are to trace the main forms of interaction between word and image, text and visuals. This problem is seen on the material of illustrated Bible manuscripts, as this example may be the most consistently show the relation between image and text. Their decoration were the most conservative, but at the same time, due to their particular importance in medieval culture, it is easy to see them in the new trends of art.
All are invited to attend.
Опубликовано: 23 March 2016