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Round table "New literature on source study: publications, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc."
On Wednesday, November 22, the third round table “New literature on source study: publications, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.” was held in Russian Institute for the History of Arts.
The round table is annually organized and conducted by the staff of the Department of Source Research, Russian Institute for the History of Arts to get acquainted with the novelties of literature related to the problems of source study primarily in the field of theater and drama theater and the theater of music, opera and ballet, but sources of materials in other fields of art – music, literature, fine arts, scenography, etc. In short messages, the participants of the third roundtable will acquaint the audience with the publication The Data, dictionaries, encyclopedias, catalogs of museum collections and other latest publications of its kind, will give them a brief description.
Опубликовано: 22 November 2017 / Обновлено: 13 December 2017