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Home > News > Professor T.D. Bulgakova (Institute of the North, Herzen University) Personal open lecture: «The field research specifics of the shamanic culture».

Professor T.D. Bulgakova (Institute of the North, Herzen University) Personal open lecture: «The field research specifics of the shamanic culture».

On Wednesday, March 2 at 14.00 in White Hall of Russian Institute for Art History Professor T.D. Bulgakova (Institute of the North, Herzen University) was present her personal open lecture: «The field research specifics of the shamanic culture».

Field research of shamanic culture has its own specificity, which defined by shamanic traditions carriers, their different degree of awareness, and the secrecy of a certain areas in knowledge not only for researchers, as well as for many uninitiated shamans. The investigator temptation to arbitrarily interpret the material in accordance with their own convictions are the one more complicating factor for research. Meanwhile, without overcoming these obstacles, objective and systematic comprehension of the material is impossible.

This lecture has offer a occasion to understand how different researchers tried to overcome these and other obstacles that hold the secrets of shamanic cultures. (including the author, who almost every year from 1980 to 2014 has conduct a field research among the Nanai shamans).

All are invited to attend.

Опубликовано: 2 March 2016 / Обновлено: 9 March 2016