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Rules for writing articles

The journal ‘Vremennik Zubovskogo instituta’ (‘Annals of the Zubov Institute’), accepts previously unpublished original materials (articles, scientific reviews, reviews), prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth below.

The materials have to be sent to the editorial, formatted as a Microsoft Word Documents (* .doc, * .docx) (the file name is the author’s last name) whether on electronic media or by e-mail ( as an attachment to the letter.

The received articles are not returned to the authors.

  1. The article text, including footnotes and references, has to be 0.5–1.0 printed pages (20 000–40 000 chars. with spaces). Articles of a larger quantity may be accepted by editorial board for publication in exceptional cases only. The review, scientific review, scientific chronicle texts — no more than 0.5 printed pages (20 000 characters).

Materials has to be typed using Times New Roman font. The text could include an italics or boldface font. It has to be not to apply intervals to extract text fragments.

  1. Music notation examples or/and graphic images (drawings, maps, diagrams, tables) are acceptable. It should be inserted into the document, as well as attached as separate files in raster formats TIFF or JPEG with a resolution of 600 dpi. In the text, the reference to the music notation example should be marked in parentheses. In the file name, should be specify the author and title of the publication, as well as the sequence number of the photo, picture or chart. A full list of illustrations and musical examples should be attached to the text of the article.
  2. Notes and references to literature should be given in the footnotes.

The list of references has to be placed at the end of the text in alphabetical order. Foreign languages sources have to be listed after the literature in Russian. The list of references must include the name of the publisher and the total number of pages in the books; for articles — pages in a book or journals. In the description of the collections, please indicate the scientific editor (editor-compiler).

The source name has to be given in the original language. The names of sources in languages that use alphabets other than Cyrillic and Latin (Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, etc.) should be given in transliteration in Latin script. At the end of the link in parentheses, should be specify the language of the original.

When you make links to an electronic resource, have to be indicated the date of material placement or the date of reference to it.

Links for archival sources has to be given in the text (footnotes) in the form of an abbreviation. The abbreviations are deciphered and given in a separate list at the end of the article.

Manuscripts that do not meet the above requirements will not accepted for printing, will not edited or reviewed.

The authors of the articles have full responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of the information, quotations, references and references.

Corrections of stylistic and factual character are coordinated with the author.

  1. A short abstract in Russian should be attached to the article (up to 500 chars. with spaces) and in English (more than 1000 chars. are possible with spaces), the article title in English, and a list of key words (from five to ten words and phrases) in Russian and English.
  2. It is necessary for authors to send us the following information: surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, rank, position, place and work position in Russian and English, contact information (e-mail address, telephone).