Third Scientific Conference "St.Petersburg Theaters That Do Not Exist"
On October 7–8, 2019, the Dept. of Source Study, Russian Institute for the History of Arts holds the Third Scientific Conference “St.Petersburg Theaters That Do Not Exist”.
As in previous years, the focus of the conference participants will be concentrated over two periods in the history of the theater, which are equally characterized by innovation and the rapid growth in the number of small theaters with their artistic program.
Theaters that existed for a short time in the context of social reorganizations are dissolved in the general palette of the cultural life of the city, their footprint are lost, information about them is inaccessible or distorted. Among the conference main issues are the restoration the forgotten pages of the history of the beginning of the era of the director’s theater and the fixation of the theatrical process of the last decades.
The first unit of the conference will be devoted to the disappeared theaters of St. Petersburg at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the second to the St. Petersburg theaters of the end of the XXth and the beginning of the XXIst centuries that ceased to exist.
We invite theater scholars, art historians, cultural experts, literary critics, historians and all those who possess materials on this subject to participate. According to the established tradition, the authors of the most interesting reports are subsequently involved in writing articles in the same serial publication.
Form of participation:
report (up to 20 minutes)
message (10 minutes).
Application deadline: August 15, 2019.
The application should contain an information about the participant: last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, position, place of work, subject of the report with theses (5–10 sentences), e-mail address, contact telephone number. Please send your applications to Philippova Susanna Andreevna at
Conference Organizing Committee:
Yu.E.Galanina – Senior Research Scientist, Dept. of Source Study, RIHA,
S.A.Filippova – Research Scientist, Dept. of Source Study, RIHA
Опубликовано: 7 October 2019