Seminar ""Serving the Word" in the Klim’ Workshop at WOTM: What was it?"
On Wednesday, March 6, at 14.00 in the White Hall of the Russian Institute for the History of Arts, a seminar “”Serving the Word ” in the Klim’ Workshop at WOTM: What was it?” (Cycle “Folklore, Anthropology, Ethnography”). The seminar is held jointly by the Department of Contemporary Artistic Culture Actual Issues and the Department of Folklore.
Co-presenters: I.V.Vdovenko (Department of Contemporary Artistic Culture Actual Issues, senior research scientist, PhD), A.V.Romodin (Department of Folklore, Head, PhD).
The project related to the work on the “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and called the “Serving the Word” had a special place in the history of the Klim’ Workshop. If the early performances of the Workshop (such as “Pinter” or “The Government Inspector”) were examples of the “new”, “avant-garde”, “free”, but still more or less familiar drama theater, “Serving the Word” was the first project that represented a different understanding of theatricality, which Klim himself defined as “a performance consisting entirely of training”.
The seminar will be devoted to the attempt to understand what it was (through an interdisciplinary dialogue between representatives of different art criticism specialties: theater critics, folklorists, ethnomusicologists). Especially since today we have the possibility of not involved recapitulation. We have at our disposal a record of one of the first “ministries”, made on October 8, 1992 by V. Berzin and recently restored and digitized by the A. Vipulis efforts.
Expected seminar format:
- Introduction by I.Vdovenko
- View the performance record.
- Presentations by workshop participants
- General discussion.
The estimated total duration of the seminar is 4 hours 30 minutes. Duration of performance – 3 hours. 15 min.
Опубликовано: 6 March 2019